Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Hello everyone welcome to my blog!

My name is Jordan Harrison and having you here truly invigorates me to move forward in stretching this passion as far as I possibly can. Ive learned that Any successful venture or person only becomes great, because of the people being influenced by what is being given.

Now notice when fans of celebrities become very radical when they see their star. This is one of the outward expressions that reveals the power of influence.

my passion is to elicit your desire, to help you and others to have that purpose driven mindset which will then influence others, enabling them to move with purpose. Its really not far fetched. If I teach one person to teach someone else to stretch the greatness in themselves then a powerful network of purpose driven people will have been created.


  1. Nice blog!! Great read, its very informative and to the point.
    It seems that you have a great persionality in terms of people and helping them out.
    What is it that you do? I would love to hear more from you. By the way im interested in the Chattotext videos
    on the right-side of the page. Thanks


  2. Hello Mr. Jordan-Michael

    This is Ed (check URL) nice read. I see you are following on twitter. Im personally sending messages to my followers (20,586 wooo hoo) to thank them for support of my tweets.

    In respect to this Im cordially inviting you to a service => Where you can receive payments for tweets which are broadcast. As well there are configurations which allow a "blasting" of tweets.

    Thank you for your support!
    ED Entrepreneur

  3. Hey Jordan,

    I noticed your blog, pretty inspirational. However
    Ive been in this business for some time and notice certain "TRENDS". Just dont get caught up in the hype of MLM I know many are going this way but I dont trust it at ALL!!

    Secondly Ive looked at this post about 10 times over as I have heard it somewhere before. Not implying anything just be aware of MLM, ponzi and pyramid schemes. They could cost you it all.

    Be smart

    Yours in blog,
    Anatoli :)
